Write C++ program using STL for sorting and searching user defined records such as Item records (Item code, name, cost, quantity etc) using vector container.

Object Oriented Programming Assignment 6

Write C++ program using STL for sorting and searching user defined records such as Item records (Item code, name, cost, quantity etc) using vector container.

Code :

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Item
 char name[10];
 int quantity;
 int cost;
 int code;
 bool operator==(const Item& i1)
 return 1;
 return 0;
 bool operator<(const Item& i1)
 return 1;
 return 0;
vector<Item> o1;
void print(Item &i1);
void display();
void insert();
void search();
void dlt();
bool compare(const Item &i1, const Item &i2)

 return i1.cost < i2.cost;
int main()
 int ch;
 cout<<"\n*** Menu ***";
 cout<<"\nEnter your choice:";

 case 1:

 case 2:

 case 3:

 case 4:
 cout<<"\n\n Sorted on Cost";

 case 5:

 case 6:

 return 0;
void insert()
 Item i1;
 cout<<"\nEnter Item Name:";
 cout<<"\nEnter Item Quantity:";
 cout<<"\nEnter Item Cost:";
 cout<<"\nEnter Item Code:";
void display()
void print(Item &i1)
 cout<<"\nItem Name:"<<i1.name;
 cout<<"\nItem Quantity:"<<i1.quantity;
 cout<<"\nItem Cost:"<<i1.cost;
 cout<<"\nItem Code:"<<i1.code;
void search()
 vector<Item>::iterator p;
 Item i1;
 cout<<"\nEnter Item Code to search:";
 cout<<"\nNot found.";
 cout<<"Item Name : "<<p ->name<<endl;
 cout<<"Item Quantity : "<<p ->quantity<<endl;
 cout<<"Item Cost : "<<p ->cost<<endl;
 cout<<"Item Code: "<<p ->code<<endl;
void dlt()
 vector<Item>::iterator p;
 Item i1;
 cout<<"\nEnter Item Code to delete:";
 cout<<"\nNot found.";

Output :

Inserting Items

Displaying Items 

Searching Items 

Sorting Items

Deleting & Displaying Items

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