Write a program to perform file operations. Create a class student - add member variables - RollNo(Int), Name(string), Class(String), Division(char). Write a menu driven program to add student data in the file, display student data and search for a specific roll no in the file. New data should get added at the end of file when you run the program

Object Oriented Programming Assignment 4

Write a program to perform file operations. Create a class student - add member variables - RollNo(Int), Name(string), Class(String), Division(char). Write a menu driven program to add student data in the file, display student data and search for a specific roll no in the file. New data should get added at the end of file when you run the program

Code :

using namespace std;

class Student
int roll_no;
char name[20];
char Class[5];
char div;
 void add_data() // writing to file
 fstream fs; // creating object of fstream
 fs.open("myfile.txt",ios::out|ios::app); //opening file in append mode
 cout<<"file creation failed...";

 //cout<<" New file created..";
 cout<<"\n Enter roll number :";
 cout<<"\n Enter name :";
 cout<<"\n class :";
 cout<<"\n Enter division :";

// writing data to the file

fs << roll_no <<"\n ";
 fs << name <<"\n ";
 fs << Class <<"\n ";
 fs << div <<"\n ";

 } // end of add data

 void display_data() // reading from file
 fstream fs;
 fs.open("myfile.txt", ios::in);
 cout<<"No such file....";


 while(!fs.eof()) // read till end of file

 fs >> roll_no; // reading data from file//
 fs >> name;
 fs >> Class;
 fs >> div;

 cout<<"\n Roll:"<< roll_no <<"\n ";
 cout<<"\n Name:"<< name<<"\n ";
 cout<<"\n Class:"<< Class<<"\n ";
 cout<<"\n Division:"<< div<<"\n ";
 cout <<"\n";
 }//end of if
 }//end of while

 void search_data()
 { fstream fs;
 cout<<"no such file....";
{ int rn;
cout<<"enter the roll no to be searched :";
while(!fs.eof()) // read till end of file
 fs >> roll_no;
 fs >> name;
 fs >> Class;
 fs >> div;
if(rn == roll_no)
cout<<"\n..... Record found......";
 if(!fs.eof()) //checking whether reached eof
 cout<<"\n roll no:"<<roll_no;
 cout<<"\n name :"<<name;
 cout<<"\n Class:"<<Class;
 cout<<"\n Div:"<<div;



int main()
Student s;
fstream fs;
int ch;
cout<<"\n****Student information system****\n";
cout<<"\n 1. Add data ";
cout<<"\n 2. display data ";
cout<<"\n 3. Search ";
cout<<"\n 4. Exit ";
cout<<"\n Enter your choice :";
case 1:
 case 2:
 case 3:
case 4:
 exit(0);// exit of program

} while(ch != 4);// end of while
return 0;

Output :

Adding Data

Displaying Data 

Searching Data

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