Write a function template for selection sort that inputs, sorts and outputs an integer array and a float array.

Object Oriented Programming Assignment 5

Write a function template for selection sort that inputs, sorts and outputs an integer array and a float array.

Code :

using namespace std;
int n;
#define size 10
template<class T>
void sel(T A[size])
 int i,j,min;
 T temp;
 cout<<"\nSorted array: ";
 cout<<" "<<A[i];
int main()
 int choice;
 char C[size];
 int A[size];
 float B[size];

 int i;

 cout<<"\n 1. Integer : ";
 cout<<"\n 2. Float : ";
 cout<<"\n 3. Exit : "<<endl;
 cout<<"\n Enter Choice : ";
 case 1:
 cout<<"\nEnter Total Number Of Integer Elements:";
 cout<<"\nEnter Integer Elements:";

 case 2:
 cout<<"\nEnter Total Number Of Float Elements:";
 cout<<"\nEnter Float Elememts:";

 case 3:
 cout<<"**********Program Exited Successfully**********"<<endl;

 cout<<"\n Invalid";
return 0;

Output :

For Integer 

For Float

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